Booking Tiket Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Kali ini MenikoCarane akan berbagi sebuah percakapan dalam bahasa inggris dengan tema: cara booking tiket. Dalam dialog ini teman teman bisa menjadi pemilik agen tiket atau pembeli tiket/turis.

booking tiket pesawat

How to tell about schedules (bus, plane, boot, train) event, itineraries how to make reservation.

Story : A man booking a ticket 

Official : Good morning, welcome to Meniko Tours, how may i help you ?
Man : Yes, i want to book a ticket to Bali
Official : Please, take a seat over here
Man : Thank you
Official : When would you like to go to, sir ?
Man : On Monday, May 15 th
Official : Just a moment please, lets me check it first. I'm sorry but every seat is booked
Man : What about sunday ?
Official : Let's see. The morning flight is full but the seats in the afternoon flightare avaliable
Man : What time is the flight ?
Official : 4:30 pm sir
Man : OK! I'll take it, How much is it ?
Official : Rp. 500.000..... I'll make a note of it for you ? Under whose name ?
Man : Barabara John
Official : Mr. John. Here is your ticket. We hope, you will enjoy your flight
Man : Thank you
Official : Glad to be of service

Nah itulah contoh percakapan antara turis dan sebuah agen tiket. Untuk variasi lainnya bisa ditambahkan beberapa pertanyaan berikut ini :

Jika ingin menanyakan tentang pilihan pesawat, pergantian pesawat, keberangkatan/kedatangan pesawat :

- What plane do you want ?
- Garuda Airline please

- Would you like to change it ?
- Is there are flight available ?
- How about Lion Air
- What time does the flight depart/ arrive from Yogyakarta to Bali ?

Jika saat membayar uang nya kurang atau kelebihan :

Man : Here's the money
Official : Let's me count it first .

- It's enough
- The money is less than Rp.500.000 ... can you give me Rp.30.000 more
- The money is more than Rp.500.00 ... here is your money

Sekian percakpana cara booking tiket pesawat dalam bahasa inggris, semoga bermanfaat bagi teman teman semua. Have a nice day friends !

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